Saturday, February 20, 2010

Both: Ja takk, begge deler

I've lately been doing finishing touches on an exhibition about the music of national minorities in Norway, opening next weekend at Ringve Museum in Trondheim.

The exhibition title "Ja takk, begge deler" is the Norwegian reference to the word "both" in a famous conversation between Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit:
"When Rabbit said, `Honey or condensed milk with your bread?' he was so excited that he said, `Both,' and then, so as not to seem greedy, he added, `But don't bother about the bread, please.'"

Here is an extract from the exhibition website:
"Ja takk, begge deler! Music and national minorities" is an exhibition profiling the music and stories of Norway's five national minorities (Jews, Kvens, Rom, Romani and Forest Finns). Minority voices combine with music videos, photos, objects and text in order to challenge our presuppositions on what it means to belong to a minority - or a majority.

"Ja takk, begge deler! Music and national minorities" lets visitors meet artists who refuse to be placed in standard categories, artists who say "Yes, both!" when they explore musical worlds in their own ways. Jewish rap, Forest-Finn blues and Kven-pop are present, but also primordial rituals and traditional musical styles that have been handed down from generation to generation. The material collected varies from fireside songs at campgrounds to the stages of international festivals.


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